ASBA(American Society of Botanical Artists)会員。
2022年 個展「おかげさまで 渡邉雅子ボタニカルアート展」開催
2023年 よみうりカルチャー川崎にてボタニカルアート教室開講
2024年 個展「飾って楽しむ 渡邉雅子ボタニカルアート展」開催。
Graduated from the Faculty of Education, Yokohama National University.
While teaching at Yokohama City Junior High School, she started botanical art.
At the Green Academy of Tokyo University of Agriculture, she deepened her knowledge of the cultivation of vegetables, flowers, fruits and plants in general.
In 2022 she held the solo exhibition "Thanks to Botanical Art ".
She won the Winner of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award in the general category of the 39th Botanical Art.The contest was sponsored by the National Museum of Nature and Science.
In 2023 she opened Botanical art classes at the Yomiuri Culture Center in Kawasaki. In 2024, She held a solo exhibition in the Yokohama Minatomirai Area titled "Decorate and Enjoy Botanical Art ".
She belongs to the Mieko Ishikawa Botanical Art Studio, and is a member of the Japan Botanical Painting Club.
She is also a member of the Yokohama Botanical Society.
She lives in Yokohama City, JAPAN.
Her hobby is mountain climbing.
Walking through ‘Japan's 100 famous Mountains’.